Brookvale Children's Centre, Woodhatch Road, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 1BY
Contact Us
Halton SENDIASS Partnership is here for you – parents and carers of children, and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities.
Young people who have special educational needs and/or disability aged from 16 to 25 may also access the service. They may choose to do this with the support of their parents/carers or independently.
Our telephone number is 0151 511 7733. Staff typically work between 9 am and 5pm. We are a small team and when there are a number of calls and emails awaiting a response, your call will be put through to a 24hr voicemail. If you can’t get through to someone please do leave yours / your child’s name and date of birth in a message. Remember to give your name and your telephone number slowly and clearly. We will try to call you back promptly, and within 3 working days.
Don’t forget you can email us at any time too.
Please note
We always do our best to help you as soon as we can, but we aren’t a crisis or emergency service. We know that sometimes things happen very quickly, for example, if a child is permanently excluded. If you need to speak to us urgently, we will contact you as soon as we can.
A further list of alternative free information and advice organisations.
Parent Carers can visit the CONTACT helpline via their website at www.contact.org.uk for information or call the free helpline on 0808 808 3555 between 9.30 – 5pm Monday to Friday, or by email at [email protected] You may also want to contact the Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA) via their website at www.ipsea.org.uk